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Fede Ruiz Santesteban
Carmela: As History of Migration, Settlement, and Gardeners

Guided Curator's Tour
Wednesday, September 6 4-6pm

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By appointment only:

OAS F Street Gallery
1889 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Click to RSVP

The OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas presents a guided curator's tour of Carmela: As History of Migration, Settlement, and Gardeners, an exhibition of photography by Uruguayan artist Fede Ruiz Santesteban, whose photographic work seeks to recapture the fantastic act of materializing images by its own means, exploring the photographic power of various found materials. AMA's Curator of Photography Fabian Goncalves Borrega will guide attendees through the exhibition, shining a light on the artist's experiments with alternative processes, focusing on sustainable strategies, abandoning both digital and the traditional analog dark room. In these series, the artist uses foliage as a medium to portray his ancestors, developing images through a process that includes water from the beach and his own portable oceanside studio. Artist Fede Ruiz Santesteban will present virtually.