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Ink Conversations
Recent Work of Master Fernando Carballo, In the PandemicOpening reception
Monday, October 16, 2023
from 12-1pm
at the OAS Main Building
17th Street and Constitution Ave NW

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The OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas and the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the OAS invite you to the opening reception of Ink Conversations: Recent Work of Master Fernando Carballo, In the Pandemic. The new ink drawings by Fernando Carballo (1941), which number more than thirty, summarize his work in 2020, a strange year with introspective looks. Constructed with a subtle but dense pattern of black ink, the artist proposes a world all his own, populated by characters with large faces, deep gazes and huge hands; characters that interact with other similes that at the same time share space with the most diverse pets or personify divine messengers. They talk statically in a space absent from all interaction, where the multiplicity of meanings proliferates.

Fernando with his wonderful drawings gives us his concerns and hopes during this prolonged confinement through a world absent of color, or of a very contained color, which allows us to recreate this strange journey of 2020. His masterful drawing and his characters converse with each other, or with their children or their pets and, in many cases, interact with us, the public, through questions posed in their deep gaze. They ask about anxieties, fears, loves and small triumphs throughout this forced confinement.

This exhibition will remain on view through October 27, by appointment only: fgoncalves@oas.org