En Pie de Foto
Terrorism- a Crime Against Humanity

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October 29, 2014
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Greg Svitil | T: 202.370.0147
gsvitil@oas.org | AMAmuseum.org

En Pie de Foto
Terrorism - A Crime Against Humanity

AMA | Art Museum of the Americas
Organization of American States
201 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Opening Reception: Monday, November 10 at 6pm
On view: November 11, 2014-January 4, 2015

HOURS: Tuesday-Sunday 10AM-5PM

WASHINGTON, DC –  The Foundation for Victims of Terrorism and the OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas present En Pie de Foto: Terrorism, a Crime Against Humanity, in collaboration with the Miguel Angel Blanco Foundation and with the support of the Permanent Observer Mission of Spain to the OAS and AMA. The exhibition displays a series of photographs expounded upon by renowned Spanish and Latin American writers, denouncing terrorism as a large-scale violation of human rights, while honoring its victims.

En Pie de Foto supports the mission of the OAS Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE), which facilitates international cooperative efforts against terrorism, as well as AMA’s mission of providing a forum for artistic extensions of OAS values of peace and human rights.

En Pie de Foto incorporates work by photographers from all over the world alongside accompanying texts by prominent writers from Spain and Latin America to convey the horrors of terrorism, specifically victims of attacks in Spain over the course of the last 25 years. More than depicting human suffering and isolation, these works and writings emphasize counter-terrorism through individual lives and stories, offering solidarity and a means by which to work toward a more peaceful world. The photographic works, furthering the voices of victims, are accompanied by the video piece "The Voices of Antigone" playing on a continuous loop, leaving an imprint on our conscience and our memory.

Broadly speaking, this exhibition shares AMA’s view that the arts should contribute to the positive transformation of societies. It also seeks to promote the fundamental values of the OAS, deepening cultural exchanges in order to defend and uphold shared democratic values.

Along with promoting key OAS ideals, this exhibition is framed within an OAS Policy Roundtable ”Rights of Victims of Terrorism”  that will be held on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 4:00pm in ht Hall of the Americas at the Headquarters of the OAS.  This Roundtable is organized by the OAS, CICTE, the Permanent Observer Mission of Spain to the OAS, and the Miguel Angel Blanco and the Victims of Terrorism Foundations.  Its objective is to promote a broad dialogue about the situation of terrorism in the world and effective public policies to protect the rights of victims of this scourge.

CICTE was created in 1999 as the primary forum for the Member State governments of the Organization of American States (OAS) to promote national, regional, and international cooperation to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorism in the Americas. Following the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, OAS member states created a Secretariat to help implement the committee’s mandates by developing, coordinating, and implementing technical assistance and capacity-building programs; and serving as a clearinghouse of information and facilitating regional and international cooperation and information-sharing.

Through programs like this, AMA promotes core values of the OAS by providing a space for cultural expression, highlighting themes such as democracy, development, human rights, justice, freedom of expression, and innovation. In an effort to advance the inter-American agenda, AMA draws on the arts to showcase a constructive vision of the future of the Americas linking the arts with topical social and political issues. En Pie de Foto furthers AMA’s mission through politically and socially engaged work in the spirit of the promotion of human rights and freedoms.  

Miguel Ángel Blanco Foundation